H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (2024)

The Grand Ducal Family

Born on

11 November 1981

at the Maternité Grande-duch*esse Charlotte in Luxembourg

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (1)


His Royal Highness Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie, Prince of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau and Bourbon-Parma, is the eldest son of Their Royal Highnesses Grand Duke Henri and Grand duch*ess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg.

His brothers and sister are:

  • Prince Félix
  • Prince Louis
  • Princess Alexandra
  • Prince Sébastien

After his father's accession to the throne on 7October 2000, Prince Guillaume was sworn in on 18December 2000and officially became Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (2)

On 26April 2012, the Grand Duke and Grand duch*ess announced the engagement of the Hereditary Grand Duke and Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy. The wedding was celebrated at the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg on 20October 2012. Upon their marriage, Countess Stéphanie became Hereditary Grand duch*ess of Luxembourg.

Photos of the Royal Wedding

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (3)

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie were married on 20October 2012at the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie are parents to two boys, Prince Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume, born on 10May 2020and Prince François Henri Luis Marie Guillaume, born on 27March 2023. Both were bornat theMaternité Grande-duch*esse Charlottein Luxembourg..

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (4) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Kary Barthelmey

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (5) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (6) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

The baptism of H.R.H. Prince Charles, first child of TT.RR.HH. the Crown Prince and Princess, celebrated at the Abbey Saint-Maurice de Clervaux

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (7) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

The planting of a tree in honour of Prince Charles

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (8) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

The couple at the christening of the rose 'Prince Charles of Luxembourg'

Education and training of the Crown Prince

Prince Guillaume went to the local public primary school in Lorentzweiler, Luxembourg. He started his secondary education at the Lycée Robert Schuman in Luxembourg City. At the age of 16, he enrolled at the Institut Le Rosey and subsequently at the Collège Alpin Beau Soleil in Switzerland, where he obtained his French Baccalaureate in 2001. Prince Guillaume is fluent in Luxembourgish, French, German, English and Spanish.

Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, the Hereditary Grand Duke successfully completed officer training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in Great Britain from September 2001to August 2002.

He was sworn in as officer in the Luxembourg army in December 2002. Prince Guillaume currently holds the rank of Colonel.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (9)

H.R.H. the Crown Prince takes the oath as officer of the Luxembourg army

After studying international politics in the United Kingdom, Prince Guillaume continued his studies in France and obtained a double degree in Literature and Political Science with honours at the University of Angers in 2009.

Parallel to his university studies, the Crown Prince also gained some practical experience in the economic and political domains, in particular through internships in multinational companies, notably at the Belgian Chemical Union in 2003and at Deutsche Bank in London in 2004. In 2005, he trained at the Spanish branch of the steel group ArcelorMittal to learn about their various activities.

Prince Guillaume also lives up to his responsibility as heir to the Throne by participating in the various economic and social initiatives of the Luxembourg Government.

Together with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Prince Guillaume attended the Millennium Conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York in 2005, whose topic was the eradication of extreme poverty in the world.

A stay in Brussels in 2012at the European Commission and at the Permanent Representation of the Grand Duchy enabled him to deepen his knowledge of the functioning of the European Union, the negotiation process and the institutional workings. He attended, among other things, meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and the Political and Security Committee (PSC).

From 2018to 2019, Prince Guillaume followed a postgraduate course at the Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS) in London, where he acquired additional expertise in regards to his future responsibilities as Head of State.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (10)

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie attend the launch of the GovSat-1satellite

Prince Guillaume’s duties and official engagements

While still a student, the Crown Prince started to fulfil his representational duties, particularly by promoting Luxembourg abroad, but also by supporting companies and economic initiatives at home.

The Crown Prince’s engagements for the country abroad

In March 2001, Prince Guillaume became Honorary President of the Board of Economic Development of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the country's agency for economic promotion, which today is called the Trade & Investment Board.

At the age of 19, his first economic missions took him to the Republic of Korea, Italy and the United States.

Proudly serving the nation, the Hereditary Grand Duke is regularly invited to represent the Grand Duchy on economic and financial prospecting missions to countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa.

Since 2004, in his role as Honorary Chairman of the Trade & Investment Board, Prince Guillaume is bestowing the 'Luxembourg American Business Award' in New York.

Prince Guillaume’s commitments in Luxembourg

Prince Guillaume has regularly participated in the events of 'Luxembourg for Business', nowadays called ‘Luxinnovation’, to promote his country as an innovative and international business destination. He also takes part in the activities of the Chamber of Commerce, 'Luxembourg for Finance' and the Fedil (Federation of Luxembourg Industrialists). The Prince, in concert with many national economic actors, thus contributes to the visibility and attractiveness of the country.

For the past 50years, the awards ceremony of the Chamber of Trades’ vocational training certificate (brevet de maitrîse de la Chambre des métiers) has been traditionally presided over by a member of the Grand Ducal Family, an honour that has been bestowed on Prince Guillaume since 2004.

Prince Guillaume has also been present at the Chamber of Commerce's annual graduation ceremony since 2015.

He visits the 'Home & Living Expo' every year to support this sector.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (11)

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie while on an economic mission to the Kingdom of Morocco in September 2019

Representative functions

Since 24June 2005, the Crown Prince has been a member of the Council of State. He regularly attends the plenary sessions and various committees. This enables him to deepen his knowledge of the institutional and legislative workings of the country.

Since his appointment as Hereditary Grand Duke, Prince Guillaume has accompanied his parents to numerous representative and institutional activities, such as National Day celebrations, New Year's Audiences granted to national authorities, as well as many State and official visits.

The Prince is personally involved in the duty of remembrance. Because Grand Duke Jean, his grandfather, fought in World War II, these commemorations hold a deep meaning for him. Since he was sworn in as Crown Prince, Prince Guillaume has attended national and international commemorations of World War II, such as the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Vianden and the Auschwitz-Birkenau and the Mauthausen concentration camps in 2015. He accompanied an educational, cultural and commemorative journey with young people joining the Témoins de la Deuxième Génération ASBL (Second Generation Witnesses ASBL) and the Krakow/Auschwitz ASBL in 2016. In 2019, he attended the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge at Schumannseck.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (12)

Prince Guillaume attends the 'Memorial Day' ceremony in May 2015


As a member of the Grand Ducal Family, the Hereditary Grand Duke holds the Knight of the Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau, the Grand Cross of the Order of Civil and Military Merit of Adolphe of Nassau and the Grand Cross of the Order of the Oak Crown.

The Crown Prince was given the medal of Grand Officier de la Légion d’Honneur of France in 2015.

In 2018, the Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center awarded Prince Guillaume with the highest honorary distinction, the Doctorate honoris causa, for his public and social engagements.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (13)

H.R.H. Prince Guillaume and Mr. Gregory P. Crawford, president of Miami University

Joint activities of the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand duch*ess

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie like to take up engagements as a couple, which reflect their many common interests. Together with his wife, who founded the ASBL De Mains de Maîtres (From the Hands of Masters) and who is its Honorary President, Prince Guillaume actively promotes Luxembourg's arts and crafts.

Apart from promoting the national economic sector, the Crown Prince and Princess attend many cultural events. They are regularly present at concerts, fairs and arts exhibitions or in museums.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (14) © David Nivière/ DNphotography

The couple visits the Parc des Ateliers construction site in Arles, France

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (15) © Cour grand-ducale / Olivier Polet

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie at the opening of an exhibition of 'De Mains de Maîtres' in December 2017

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (16) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie regularly visit the 'Home Expo' - October 2020

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (17) © Cour grand-ducale / Charles Caratini

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie at the opening of an exhibition 'De Mains de Maîtres' in November 2018

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (18) © Fondation Autisme Luxembourg

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie learn about the specific care of people with autism or severe dependency during a visit to the Autism Foundation Centre

High Patronages and interests

Encouraged by his grandfather and his father to discover and protect nature, Prince Guillaume has been a member of the Scouts since he was a child. As such, he enthusiastically participated in a humanitarian camp in Nepal in the summer of 1997, which left him with unforgettable memories. He worked on a reforestation project and helped on projects for disadvantaged communities.

In 2017, the Crown Prince joined the Board of Directors of the World Scout Foundation to support the scouting movement throughout the world. After Grand Duke Jean, who had been Chief Scout of Luxembourg since 1945, passed away, Prince Guillaume made his promise in October 2019in front of nearly 3,000scouts in the municipal park of Luxembourg City and proudly took over the title. In September 2021, he accepted the post of Chairman of the World Scout Foundation.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (19)

The Crown Prince makes his Scout Promise in the presence of 3,000scouts

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (20)

En savoir plus son engagement scout

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He has been involved in many initiatives to support youth, particularly in the field of education and training, such as:

  • the European Meetings of Luxembourg Students (REEL – Réunion européenne des étudiants luxembourgeois) in 2003,
  • the UNESCO World Youth Day in 2005,
  • the REEL debates in Strasbourg in 2013.

Prince Guillaume granted his High Patronage to the Central Youth Hostel Office in 2001. Furthermore, he has held the High Patronage of the Jonk Fuerscher Lëtzebuerg (Young Researchers Luxembourg) since 2020.

Because he wants to promote Luxembourgish entrepreneurship, the Hereditary Grand Duke has held the High Patronage of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg (Young Entrepreneurs Luxembourg) since 2013and that of the Fédération des Jeunes Dirigeants d'Entreprise du Luxembourg (Federation of young business leaders) since 2017.

The Crown Prince also takes an interest in social business and developments related to microfinance activities, which are promising tools in the fight against poverty. He attended several Global Grameen Meetings, the ALFI Spring Conference in 2015, as well as other events in this field.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (21)

The Crown Prince and Princess at the Kräizbierg Foundation

After chairing, for more than 10years (from 2000to 2011), the board of directors of the Kräizbierg Foundation, which works on behalf of people with disabilities, the Crown Prince became its Honorary President in March 2011. Prince Guillaume is very attached to this Foundation and values, among other things, its concepts of social and professional integration.

He has been the High Patron of the Special Olympics Luxembourg since 2017, of the Association nationale des victimes de la route (National Association of Road Victims) since 2002, and is also a member of the board of directors of the Fondation du Grand-Duc et de la Grande-duch*esse (Foundation of the Grand Duke and the Grand duch*ess).

In 2020, the Crown Prince took over from Grand Duke Jean the title of Honorary Governor of the Lions District 113Luxembourg, which the latter held from 1967until his death in 2019.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (22)

The couple supports Luxembourg athletes at the 2017Special Olympics World Winter Games


Prince Guillaume is interested in politics, economics, philosophy and history. His favourite readings are autobiographies, philosophical treatises as well as historical novels. Since 18January 2016, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Europäische Stiftung Kaiserdom zu Speyer Foundation, which works for the preservation of the almost thousand-year-old imperial cathedral in Speyer.

The Crown prince loves music, both classical and modern. He is passionate about playing the guitar. As a child, he was a member of the Pueri Cantores choir in Luxembourg. He also granted his High Patronage to the Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra and the European Union Youth Orchestra. Of the performing arts, he is particularly fond of the theatre.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (23)

Prince Guillaume water skiing

Prince Guillaume is interested in sports in general and enjoys tennis, skiing, swimming and water sports. Together with Princess Stéphanie, he attends the Olympic Games and the Games of the Small States of Europe whenever possible. He has also granted his High Patronage to the Luxembourg Cycling Federation.

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (24)

The couple and their first child, Prince Charles, in the park

The Crown Prince likes to spend time in nature and to observe wildlife, a passion he inherited from his grandfather, Grand Duke Jean. He and Princess Stéphanie raise their son Prince Charles according to the same values, and are passing on this mindset.

Pictures of Prince Guillaume

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (25) © Photographic collections / Maison grand-ducale de Luxembourg

The Grand duch*ess and Prince Guillaume in Cabasson in 1982

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (26) © Photographic collections / Maison grand-ducale de Luxembourg

The Grand Ducal Family on holiday

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (27) © Photographic collections / Maison grand-ducale de Luxembourg

The Grand duch*ess and young Prince Guillaume in Galapagos in 1987

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (28) © SIP / Nicolas Bouvy

The wedding at the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (29) © Manuel Dias

The couple at the last day of the Octave (traditional pilgrimage to honour Our Lady of Luxembourg) in 2013

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (30) © 2013 SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie during the National Day religious service Te Deum in 2013

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (31) © 2015 Cour grand-ducale / David Nivière

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie at the End of World War II Commemorative Day in Paris

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (32) © 2014 SIP / Nicolas Bouvy

National Day festivities: traditional visit of Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie to Esch-sur-Alzette

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (33) © Fondation Autisme Luxembourg

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie learn about the specific care of people with autism or severe dependency during a visit to the Autism Foundation Centre

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (34) © Cour grand-ducale / David Nivière

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie at the 70th edition of the Cannes Film Festival

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (35) © Luc Deflorenne

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie inaugurate the Marienthal Youth Centre in July 2016

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (36) © 2015 Cour grand-ducale / Charles Caratini

Prince Guillaume's speech at an exhibition De Mains de Maîtres (From the Hands of Masters)

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (37) © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie in Esch-sur-Alzette during the 2017 National Day

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (38) © Cour grand-ducale / LUXPRESS

The Crown Prince and Princess at the Kräizbierg Foundation

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (39) © Cour grand-ducale / Marion Dessard

Prince Guillaume meets scouts at the ceremony where he became the new Chief Scout

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (40) © Cour grand-ducale / Marion Dessard

Prince Guillaume chats with scouts after he made his promise as Chief Scout

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (41) © Russ Rowland

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie in New York for the 2018 Luxembourg American Business Award

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (42) © Cour grand-ducale / Charles Caratini

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie at the opening of an exhibition 'De Mains de Maîtres' in November 2018

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (43) © Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli

Prince Guillaume participates in the 45th anniversary concert of SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde ASBL in October 2019

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (44) © Cour grand-ducale / Kary Barthelmey

Prince Guillaume participates in a board of directors meeting of Scouting in Luxembourg

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (45) © Klaus Landry

TT.RR.HH. the Grand Duke and the Crown Prince in front of the restored cenotaph of Adolphe de Nassau

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (46) © Cour grand-ducale / Marion Dessard

Prince Guillaume meets the staff of the association Stëmm vun der Strooss (Voice of the Street)

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (47) © Cour grand-ducale / Marion Dessard

Prince Guillaume meets the staff of the association Stëmm vun der Strooss (Voice of the Street)

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (48) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

Prince Guillaume meets the pupils of the Angelsberg primary school

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (49) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

Prince Guillaume donates blood, which was in short supply during the Covid-19 pandemic

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (50) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

Prince Guillaume visited the Kräizbierg Foundation, of which he has been Honorary President since 2011

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (51) © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie regularly visit the 'Home Expo' - October 2020

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (52) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

The Crown Prince and Prince Charles at the planting of a tree in honour of Prince Charles

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (53) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

Bretzelsonnden at Fischbach Castle

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (54) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

Prince Charles discovering his first Bretzel

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (55) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

2021: The Hereditary Couple and Prince Charles at Bretzelsonnden

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (56) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

Bretzelsonnden at Fischbach Castle

H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (57) © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

Biographies of the members of the Grand Ducal Family

Married to

  • H.R.H. the Crown Princess

Son/daughter of

  • H.R.H. the Grand Duke
  • H.R.H. the Grand duch*ess


  • H.R.H. Prince Charles
  • H.R.H. Prince François

Activities of Prince Guillaume

Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie de clôture11.08.2024
Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 - Visite du Village Olympique28.07.2024
Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 - Inauguration de la Maison du Luxembourg27.07.2024
H.R.H. the Crown Prince | Cour grand-ducale (2024)
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