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Cornwall Call for Sites!Cornwall Council has commenced an initial ‘call for sites’ as part of the early stages of preparation towards the next iteration of their local plan, which will cover the period up to 2050.The local plan will need to identify enough land to meet future development requirements for range of provision, including new homes and employment space, community infrastructure andtourism and sites for Biodiversity Net Gain and Nutrient Neutrality mitigation and/or nature-based initiatives.TheCouncil is encouraging the reuse of vacant or derelict land, plus opportunities for strategic conversions or extensions to existing buildings. A broad range of sites will though be needed to meet development requirements for a variety of land uses, such as:- Housing (market-led housing, affordable housing, older-persons housing, supported living, student accommodation, self-build plots, or other types of specialist housing)- Employment- Commercial uses (including offices, retail, leisure, hotel and mixed commercial uses)- Community uses- Tourism- Public Green Space- Energy Generation- Nutrient Neutrality mitigation land- Biodiversity Net Gain landThe ‘Call for Sites’ does not determine how much new development is needed or whether a site will be allocated in the Local Plan, it is an opportunity for anyone to suggest sites that they would like to be considered in the future local plan. Submissions are to be made by 22 April 2024.If you have land/property in Cornwall to promote and need advice and assistance with progressing a submission feel free to get in contact with the Planning team at – Murray Ross / Jonathan Finch / Richard Bailey#planning #planningpermission #brownfield #regeneration #development #cornwall #propertydevelopment #strategicland Photograph courtesy of Cornwall Guide.
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Enfield Local Plan Site allocations published..Enfield have published their ‘pre-publication’ local plan for review, prior to a Full Council meeting on the 6th March 2024, following which (if agreed) a further formal 6 week consultation will take place. The Plan is therefore not currently published for consultation but has been published to give interested parties opportunity to review prior to the formal consultation period (assuming the Plan is agreed at Full Council) commencing. The ‘pre-publication’ version of the plan is supported by an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) and Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) material. If you have interests in Enfield (or wish to acquire them) please do get in touch and we can advise further. #localplan #plan #sites #development #homes #newbuildhome #development
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Ryan Smith
Senior Leader/Administrator, Strategic Thinker, City Planner, Teacher and Mentor
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After a hot summer in many parts of western Canada there is lots of talk about heat island, shade and the value of urban trees.The City of Kelowna is launching its annual NeighbourWoods program next week.The balance of accommodating housing growth and tree protection is a challenge in all cities. While Kelowna works to improve our higher level policies such as the upcoming Sustainable Urban Forest Strategy we have also taken many steps to improve our bylaws and processes:-Improved replanting standards and requirements-Delegated bylaw variances available for builders wanting setback or height relaxations to protect mature trees-Maintenance standards for existing trees in the public right of wayThere will always be a tension between urban growth and tree protection but you can see many recent examples in Kelowna of the balance of priorities that is emerging. I've attached a recent Council update report from Sustainability Specialist - Jennifer Miles.There are lots of great examples of cities that do urban trees and housing density really well - I hope Kelowna can be one of those cities in the future. More housing and more trees. Not one or the other. #housing #urbantrees #moretrees #morehousing #kelownagrowth #kelownahousing
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Colin Quinn
Founder @ Formation | Advisory Service for Women's Football
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I've received some private comments in response to my recent post about Inverclyde Council . It's clear that many people are hesitant to share their views publicly, which says a lot about the culture surrounding this topic. The comments I received mostly centred around two phrases used by the leader of Inverclyde Council, "Dormitory" for Glasgow and "raising the white flag." These phrases perfectly capture the issue at hand. Instead of embracing the fact that we have a great location, plenty of outdoor space, good schools, two nearby airports, and strong transport links, we seem to focus on the negative aspect of being a commuter area for Glasgow. The phrase "waving the white flag" was particularly unfortunate, given current world events. But it also represents a mindset that sees any movement away from Inverclyde as a negative thing. We know the area is perfect for hybrid working because we did it ourselves. If we embrace the positive aspects of that and go “all in” on being a commuter area -with good transport links, housing and schools -quality full and part-time jobs will relocate here voluntarily.We need to shift the mindset and recognize the potential that Inverclyde has to offer. To shift the mindset, we need a change of political leadership.
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Bell Cornwell LLP Planning Consultants
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Waverley Call for Sites! News Update 📢 Thank you Ryan Snow Waverley Borough Council’s Local Plan Part 1 (LPP1) was adopted in February 2018. There is a legal requirement to carry out a review of a Local Plan to assess if it needs updating no later than five years from adoption. As such, Waverley has decided that it will update its Local Plan following its statutory review. The new Local Plan will cover the whole Borough for the period 2023-2043 (15 years from the intended date of adoption). It will set out both strategic and non-strategic planning policies for the Borough. Strategic policies will include the distribution of the amount of housing required to areas and settlements across the Borough in the same way Policy ALH1 of LPP1 currently does. It will comprise a single document containing strategic and non-strategic policies, avoiding duplication of any National Development Management Policies. It will identify the policies in Local Plan Parts 1 and 2 that it will replace.Waverley’s Local Development Scheme, published in November 2023, states that the Council will carry out evidence gathering and early engagement from now until June 2024. As part of preparing the new Local Plan for Waverley, the Council has just commenced a Call for Sites to inform the 2024 Land Availability Assessment (LAA).This is the ideal opportunity for any landowners or developers to promote their sites so that they can be assessed through the plan-making process.Waverley are considering sites suitable for development for the following uses:Residential uses (including student and other communal accommodation such as older persons housing);Gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation;Employment and/or retail use;Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG);Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offsetting sites;Renewable energy generation; andOther uses (such as recreational, leisure, community).There is no site size threshold for the submission of sites.However, when assessing sites for the LAA to support the new Waverley Local Plan, the Council will only assess sites put forward for residential uses which can deliver more than 5 net additional dwellings.Our team specialises in promoting land for development. If you are interested in promoting your site for development as part of Waverley’s Call for Sites, then please do not hesitate to contact us. The deadline for the receipt of sites is 31st March 2024.#waverley #townplanners #development #localplan
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Gemma-Louise Wright
Editor at Property Wheel - Winner of the Property News Website of the Year 2018,2022,2023,2024 SAPOA Journalism of Excellence Awards. Recognized as 1/12 SA PropTech startups transforming property investment/management.
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The City of Cape Town’s Council has approved the local spatial development framework (LSDF) for the Philippi Opportunity Area which is in the metro-south-east in proximity to the Philippi Horticultural Area (PHA) and Cape Town International Airport with key access routes – the N2 and R300. The LSDF envisions the area to be transformed into a mixed-use and transit-oriented development node with green spaces and industrial character, pursuing urban spaces with a mix of higher density residential development, retail, and recreational spaces within walkable precincts supported by transport facilities and social amenities. According to Alderman Eddie Andrews, economic development can be ignited by improving the road links with the PHA, the airport, and existing industrial activities but also by upgrading spaces and facilities while creating safe and easily accessible neighbourhoods. The LSDF also includes releasing vacant or unused state-owned land to develop a range of mixed-use affordable housing. #cityofcapetown #spatialplanning #propertydevelopment #realestateinvestment #municipality #capetownproperty #propertynews #mixedusedevelopment #realestatenews #construction
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David Thompson
Victoria City Councillor, Capital Regional District Director. Policylink Consulting. (My own views only.)
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Transit-oriented development locates housing and other development near transit stops in order to reduce automobile dependency and greenhouse gas emissions. A similar case can be made for building near active transportation infrastructure, and of course in walkable, complete communities. 20th century suburban and exurban sprawl is bad for the environment, bad for human health, and bad for municipal finances. So cities all over the world are now tangling with the question of where to focus development.Victoria is going through a significant update of our Official Community Plan and zoning bylaws. We will soon be deciding where to focus additional development - or perhaps whether to focus it. Some of the considerations are set out in this series. Here's part 4:https://lnkd.in/gtncjnfc
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Aaron Henecke
Associate Director (MRTPI) at Hybrid Planning & Development
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Appeal Allowed on designated Open Space & SINC!I was very pleased to receive this Appeal Decision through last week, granting Permission in Principle for our clients to build between 5 and 9 new homes on a backland site in North London. Both London Plan and Local Plan policies were stacked against us, and so we needed to challenge the Council’s own evidence-base whilst building a strong case for the public benefits the scheme could deliver. We were ultimately successful, with some of the key points from the Inspector’s decision being:✔ Provision of publicly accessible and improved Open Space would off-set any net loss.✔ Proposed improvements to biodiversity carry significant weight.✔ Where the Council lacks a 5-YHLS, the proposals make a notable contribution.✔ These benefits outweigh conflicts with the development plan and less than substantial harm to the setting of a nearby Listed Building.It’s not every day you win an Appeal, and certainly not for a site as seemingly restricted as this one! If you’d like to hear more about our winning strategy, feel free to DM me to discuss.#planningappeal #planning #housing #newhomes #permissioninprinciple #planningpermission
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Helen Griffiths FRSA
Chief Executive, Fields in Trust
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'Invest in our green spaces' is the headline from the EFRA Committee to the DEFRA Secretary of State highlighting the need for urgent action to reverse the serious decline and threat to our green spaces. It calls for leadership and a national green space strategy recognising the work that we are Fields in Trust, National Trust and many others are doing in this space without resource and support. The depressing picture is not that little has changed since the 2017 Parks Inquiry that was intended to set a better path but that things have got significantly worse. #greenspacesforgood #healthandwellbeing #parks #environmenthttps://lnkd.in/eFMGqNYy
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Kate Warburton
External Affairs Manager at National Housing Federation
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As a former archaeologist and general lover of all things old, this article addresses a crucial conundrum - how to retrofit heritage stock 👇🏻
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WATCA - WA Tree Canopy Advocates
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Support South Perth's Draft Tree Retention Policy and Help Future Proof Our Suburbs - COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES 4PM THURSDAYThe South Perth heating mapping below was done late December 2020 on a day when the temp was between 32 and 34 degrees. The bluest areas are 30.3 degrees and the reddest are 57.4 degrees! The correlation between temperature and trees, or lack of them, is undeniable. And after the summer we've just had, we know it’s only getting hotter while the number of precious large trees in our suburbs that cool our homes is getting lower.If we want liveable, sustainable neighbourhoods for future generations we need to urgently regulate the removal of our large healthy trees so they are only lost if there is a good reason. South Perth's draft Policy is based on the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) Tree Retention Local Planning Policy Template, it is well considered and it is the only option currently available in WA to stop needless loss of our large urban trees given the State Government's refusal to act. Its not anti-development, its just ensuring alternatives are considered and a large tree is not removed if there's not a valid reason.Fill in South Perth's feedback form and help show the South Perth Council, other WA Council's and the State Government that their communities want this.You don't have to be a South Perth resident, this is an issue for everyone who lives in an urban area in WA, and it only takes a couple of minutes. Just go to: https://lnkd.in/gDkNcttY#urbanheatisland #treeprotection #localplanningpolicy #urbantrees#WALGA #WATCA #liveableneighbourhoods #sustainableneighbourhoods#urbanforest #giveatossabouttrees
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